This week was no exception and I'm thankful for the orders and the break from doing the layout.
ULDO is basically finished and as you can see a lot of work needs to be done on Nacho.
I'm not sure the line of demarcation between ULDO and Nacho will be on the final layout - I drew it in for dramatic effect.

ULDO-Nacho Layout Work In Progress
ULDO's schematic looks like a giant hairball with the THAT340's transistors hanging off the op amp but it laid out pretty well.
I mirror-imaged one THAT340 which is also symmetrical around the 5532.
Those big honkin' radial electrolytics are the differential bypass for the 5532.
They serve not so much to bypass the 5532 but to isolate its supply currents, when driving balanced loads, from the ±15V rails.
The return current for single-ended loads is a "home run" all the way back to the DC 0V connector.