The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

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The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by mediatechnology »

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets

I hate out-of-control government more with each passing day.

FUCK NY State!

"RIP My Best Friend": Outrage Ensues After Beloved Rescue Squirrel Seized By NY, Euthanized

From Zero Hedge: ... euthanized
The internet is ablaze with rage after the state of New York seized a beloved rescue squirrel Peanut from its owner's home Wednesday and euthanized it.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation staged a five-hour, no-warrant raid on the home of Mark Luongo after an anonymous complaint was lodged against the P'nuts Freedom Farm, where internet sensation Peanut the squirrel was taken into custody before the state euthanized it along with a raccoon 'in order to test for rabies.'
RIP Peanut.


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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by Gold »

Elmira is in Western NY not too far from Buffalo, where I grew up. Elmira is surrounded by rural areas including a few pieces of Native American lands.

Laws about pets are strict in NYC. Basically only dogs, cats, fish, small rodents and some birds are allowed. No snakes, ferrets or reptiles allowed. I understand the law in NYC because space is tight.

It makes no sense what the DEC did here. The article didn’t say the reasoning. Even if the necessary permits weren’t secured there is usually a grace period to comply. Something doesn’t add up. It vaguely referred to complaints. I wonder what those were. Then again NYS can be very corrupt. Maybe someone didn’t like it and knew the right people.
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Remember Peanut: A Treatise On Evil And Why The State Killing Of A Squirrel Matters So Much

Post by mediatechnology »

Remember Peanut: A Treatise On Evil And Why The State Killing Of A Squirrel Matters So Much ... rs-so-much
What is evil? For the average person it’s a difficult concept to explain but most of us know it when we see it. Every once in a while there’s an event which strikes the collective consciousness in such a way that it becomes deeply symbolic. Sometimes these events symbolize ultimate good, and sometimes they symbolize ultimate evil. The public is affected by these things in ways they didn’t expect and might not even comprehend, but they are archetypal and profound nonetheless.
When I hear progressives defend the state of NY and their actions against Longo, I can’t help but be reminded of the idea of evil as a subtle living force. I saw a lot of leftists on social media trying to diminish public concerns about the event by making false comparisons. They say conservatives “care more about a dead squirrel than they cared about the death of George Floyd.”

I say yes, we do, because Peanut the Squirrel was more valuable to the world than George Floyd.

Peanut was doing good. Even though he was just an animal he was doing far more good than the majority of leftists combined. We’re worse off without Peanut, we’re better off without career criminals like George Floyd. And I think it says a lot about a group that idolizes a man who robbed a pregnant woman at gunpoint while they simultaneously ignore government abuse of power when it’s inconvenient for their political agenda.

My feeling is that, for whatever reason, Mark Longo and Peanut caught the eye of evil people and those people saw a positive social effort that they immediately wanted to snuff out. And one thing I’ve noticed about evil people is that they gravitate to other evil people. They seem to find each other in a crowded room. They work together across great distances and help each other in the destruction of innocents.
[When] evil seeks you out, know that it will use whatever means at its disposal to sabotage you and that usually includes government. To confirm how evil your society truly is, all you have to do is determine who the government chooses to help and who the government chooses to hurt. If the government regularly comes to the aid of people with ill intent while stepping on the necks of those with pure hearts, then you know that your society is on the doorstep to hell.
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by Tubetec »

Just because George Floyd was addicted to drugs didnt give the cops the right to do what they did ,
Placing the life of a squirrel above a human who was murdered by law enforcement just shows how off balance this guy actually is ,
Posting pics of cute animals in cowboy hats to a social media account might have triggered the response he got from animal welfare ,
but Im not saying I agree with how it was handled either .
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by mediatechnology »

George Floyd had three times the fatal limit of Fentanyl in his body in addition to other toxins and an enlarged heart. I have the medical examiner's report and have attached it. Yet somehow the cop is responsible for his death from Fentanyl and heart disease. Several prosecutors in this case objected to the prosecution and were retaliated against.

There is an hour of body cam footage here:
I recall at some point Mr. Floyd asked to be removed from the vehicle...
Just because George Floyd was addicted to drugs didnt give the cops the right to do what they did
"Do what they did." If it's the drugs and an enlarged heart that killed him how are the consequences of is his lifestyle the fault of the cops? Yes, he was restrained - people under arrest are. But the facts and evidence show it was not the restraint that caused his death.

The world was not set on fire when Tony Timpa died while being restrained. Why? Because it could not be used as a tool to create racial division and civil unrest. Or Daniel Shaver' execution:
Bombshell Claim: Medical Examiners Bullied Over Floyd’s Cause of Death

Minneapolis police officer’s defense alleges that medical witnesses were subjected to coercion and retaliation.

Last week, counsel for Tou Thao, one of the former Minneapolis police officers charged in the death of George Floyd, filed an explosive motion for sanctions against the prosecution that alleges, among other things, that the testimony of Hennepin County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker in the trial of Derek Chauvin “was directly and indirectly coerced by the State and its agents” and that the former chief medical examiner for the State of Maryland, who testified for the Chauvin defense that Floyd’s death was due to cardiac arrhythmia, has been subjected to threats against his medical license.

The motion avers, in part, the following:

On May 26, 2020, Dr. Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, conducted an autopsy of Mr. Floyd. On that same date, Dr. Baker advised “prosecuting attorneys” that “[t]he autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation. Mr. Floyd did not exhibit signs of petechiae, damage to his airways or thyroid, brain bleeding, bone injuries, or internal bruising.

On May 29, 2020, the criminal complaint against Derek Chauvin stated that the full report of the medical examiner was pending, but that the preliminary findings “revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”
The death of George Floyd was a media psyop to create racial division.

You know what you know because the media told you it was so. That may make your conclusions invalid. The medical examiner's report, withheld from you, tell a completely different story.
Placing the life of a squirrel above a human who was murdered by law enforcement just shows how off balance this guy actually is
Longo didn't say that, the author, Brandon Smith did. That may make the author "off-balance" but it doesn't make Longo off-balance by association now does it?
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Medical Examiners Bullied Over George Floyd's Death _ ZeroHedge.pdf
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by Tubetec »

We could just as easily replace the heading on this subject with 'Minnesota Police kill George Floyd , why ?
Because he was black and a drug addict they thought they could get away with it' ,

Kneeling on a persons neck to restrict their airways is not part of any recognised restraint technique thought to police , its torture under any convention on human rights you'll read .

I can only assume you quoted the piece you did because you agree with its contents,
yet three former policemen are in Federal prison for their part in a murder.

Were not going to agree on everything Wayne , we can argue this way and that till the cows come home ,its pointless ,
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by mediatechnology »

Kneeling on a persons neck to restrict their airways is not part of any recognised restraint technique thought to police
If the airway was restricted and collapsed there would be evidence of that in the medical examiner's report. There wasn't. Also not a factual:
The Minneapolis Police Department banned all forms of neck restraints and chokeholds weeks after Floyd’s death, but at the time of his May 25 arrest by Derek Chauvin and other officers, certain neck restraints were permitted — provided certain guidelines and conditions were followed. ... db4386abf2
Because he was black and a drug addict they thought they could get away with it'
Do you honestly believe that? I don't know a single cop that thinks that way and I know quite a few. Sure there are some - of all races - but I've never met one. One of them I knew is dead, shot in an ambush in 2016 in downtown Dallas. HIs name was Loren Ahrens. ... e_officers

If you're in a pub and someone attacks you and you restrain them and they die - from a heart condition or drug overdose that you're unaware of - are you automatically a murderer?
I can only assume you quoted the piece you did because you agree with its contents,
No, in addition to the ZH article I cited the Medical Examiner's report and press release neither of which you probably didn't bother to read.
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by Tubetec »

I dont think Mr Floyd was accused of attacking anyone ,
suspected of passing off a bent bank note yes , thats not a valid reason for the cops to apply those techniques which ultimately led to the mans death .

Ive seen the cops here use the exact same technique on a lad with a learning dissabillity /brain injury ,in public view on the street , a group of concerned people gathered around with their phones . Never before has the police in this country had such a low number of applicants , even totally unsuitable people get in . There was huge mistrust due to the way the cops opperated during covid , and thats had a hugely negative effect on recruitment .
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Re: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kills Pets. Why? Because they can.

Post by Tubetec »

It might be a surprise to know that Irelands police force , the Gardai are a predominantly unarmed force ,
A handful who make detective get to carry , appart from that the ARU (armed response Unit) are the only other section who pack heaters .

There have been a handful of police deaths over the years , mainly when detectives engage with paramilitary bank/post office robbers .

Theres no doubt if we had a fully armed police force the number of deaths would increase ,
The last member of the force to die on duty was where a guy managed to get hold of a dectectives gun and unloaded a full clip into him .
The full circumstances of that never made the headlines here , during covid the entire health system database was leaked or stolen ,
Its my contention this ended up used by the police , without a legal framework and Ive my own reasons to strongly suspect this is the case .
A ransom was paid and the government passed emergency legislation making it a crime for anyone to download their own medical data ,
why , because the government were opperating under the advice of the attorney general to prevent liabillity .
In the normal course of events if someone requests their medical files they typically end up with heavily redacted copies of the documents ,this again is a means of the state avoiding criminal liabillity .

Ive spoken to members of the force who admit the way covid was handled makes the job more difficult even today , biometric data recognition techniques and databases were used to keep tabs on people without a proper legal frameworks governing their use , this caused untold damage to the forces reputation and public trust in it.
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Peanut and Puppycide

Post by mediatechnology »

Peanut and Puppycide
In the waning moments of the 2024 election, Peanut, a squirrel, went viral. A wildlife rescue, Peanut had been unable to go back to being a wild animal after his rehabilitation. His owner, Mark Longo adopted him as a pet. His heart-warming interactions with his human family earned the adorable rodent celebrity status, including nearly one million followers on Instagram.

“Following anonymous complaints over rabies fears” Peanut was confiscated and put to death by New York state health officials. The heavy-handed actions by the State prompted a massive backlash from animal lovers. A petition calling for justice has over 73,000 signatures. A crowd-funding campaign for the benefit of a wildlife sanctuary in memory of the charismatic furball has raised over $224,000 at the time of this writing. The New York Post reported:

The squirrel’s death has sparked so much fury that it prompted a state lawmaker to propose legislation to improve animal rights statutes — calling the bill “Peanut’s Law: Humane Animal Protection Act.”…The outcry also triggered the outpouring of donations, as well as the hashtag #Justice4Peanut to spread on social media.

l’Affaire Peanut recalls the “puppycide” movement of the previous decade. Awareness of the epidemic of police officers shooting dogs rose, peaked in the mid-teens, and has since almost vanished. The movement was driven by concerns that aggressive law enforcement was taking out pets that were, for the most part harmless, as routine operational procedures, regardless of any actual danger to the officer.

Legal scholar Courtney G. Lee in a 2018 law review article titled More than Just Collateral Damage: Pet Shootings by Police wrote:

The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year. It is impossible to ascertain a reliable number, however, because most law enforcement agencies do not maintain accurate records of animal killings. The tally may be substantially higher, and some suggest it could reach six figures.

Deferring to officers’ judgment when they reasonably fear for human safety is sound policy because they regularly must make split-second, life-or-death decisions in highly stressful situations; but many pet shootings occur when officers mistake the behavior of a friendly, curious dog for aggression. Further, some animals have been deliberately shot and killed under questionable circumstances, including through doors or while tied, running away, or hiding. Studies show that some officers shoot pets unnecessarily, recklessly, or in retaliation, and that subsequent civilian complaints are investigated inadequately. Moreover, not every animal that police officers shoot is a large dog that may be more likely to pose a genuine risk to human safety—or even a dog at all. Police claiming a threat to human safety have shot puppies, Chihuahuas, Miniature Dachshunds, and domestic cats, among other pets. In some tragic cases, bullets missed their nonhuman targets and injured or even killed human bystanders instead.
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