If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

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If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by AnalogJoe »

So, I don't know if you heard but months ago Windows decided to install a 'feature' called "Recall". It literally takes pictures of your screen every 5 minutes and stores it. It is supposed to be coupled with Microsoft's AI that will allow you to search for anything you were looking days or even months ago, the AI looks at the pictures and gives you the results. For example, remember that time you were looking at some shoes weeks ago but you don't remember what model they were? You make a search for shoes and the AI gives you the pictures of all the shoes you were looking at.

Well, that is the Ad that Microsoft is trying to sell us, but the truth is that it is 1984 on steroids. When questioned, Microsoft's CEO said it was an optional feature, that it only would be available on certain computers and that the users could deactivate it. That was 4 months ago:


Well, guess what? It happened what everyone said it was going to happen. In one of the next Windows updates "Recall" will be mandatory, every single PC will have it installed and you won't be able to deactivate it, at least not without seriously meddling with Windows:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9FRadI ... eRefresh=1

I am installing Linux Mint as I type.....
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by mediatechnology »

I had a Ubuntu 16.04 installation that recently had a drive failure and the machine was too old to install a later distro.

Although on a slower PC it ran circles around identical hardware running Win 7.

In test and measurement I write about a recent IT upgrade and having to uninstall One Drive on Win 11.

I gave this a read: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/win ... 5497603efb
Well, that is the Ad that Microsoft is trying to sell us, but the truth is that it is 1984 on steroids.
Makes my 1978 Rockford Files post all that more relevant.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by AnalogJoe »

Looked at your thread. Those tiny computers look very appealing.

I've been running Linux Mint for a couple of days now. Best decision I ever made. My laptop is FAST, feels like I have a much faster processor and lots of RAM. The fan rarely turns on, which just shows the amount of crap that Windows had running in the background, probably along with a substantial amount of telemetry being sent to who-knows-who. Without counting the endless updates that include completely useless stuff suddenly popping out in my desktop, like that Copilot crap. No, I don't need an AI assistant to do the thinking for me, I've been doing just fine using my own brain for decades.

Although I must say that I was reminded of the nightmare that it is to install something in Linux. Oh boy. These computer geeks just want to make things difficult for the sake of it. Some programs (or 'apps', as kids call them these days) have the equivalent of an executable file or installer, but many still require more codding than I like. And there is always an error when compiling, either a library is missing or whatever. Still, my PC is running smoothly and I truly enjoy it.

I know that we are being watched 24/7 but I refuse to willingly and knowingly let Microsoft take snapshots of my screen every 5 minutes or so. Not gonna happen.

I did install Windows in a Virtual Machine inside Linux, since there are a couple of programs that I haven't been able to run in Linux using Wine. But I will only use it when there is no other option available.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by mediatechnology »

I ran Wine under Ubuntu 16.04 and could do a lot with it. The hardware was from 2010 and it was slower than I liked.

Funny you should bring this up - I was thinking about buying a "cheap" refurbished machine from Micro Center to run Linux on about an hour ago.

There's a Windows 11 24H2 "update" in the pipeline that will be forced on us and it takes 30-60 minutes to install.
Microsoft can brick our machines anytime they want.

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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by Tubetec »

https://www.windowscentral.com/software ... rsion-24h2

A little more clartity about it there ,
Its only rellevant to pC's with the so called co-pilot chip , thats pretty new ,so not an issue on slightly older hardware ,

This AI martketing drive really amounts to a kind of subtle magicians force , an oppertunity to brainwash people , lead them up the garden path , It could end up the greatest advancement in mind control and human slavery the world has even seen .

We might try to convince ourselves were making decisions based on our own free will ,that could be a purchase or voting in an election , but actually the AI has been looking over your shoulder , hacking into your subconcious mind and causing an undue influence ,
The extent to which we open the door to this monster is a matter of choice , but once they have you on the end of a smartphone ,
its a hook line and sinker job .

With this cloud computing /remote storage and vapourware , you will be held over a barrel at some point down the line and if for what ever reason you cant bail out your data ,it probably ceases to be your data .

Its in plain sight what Google has been doing with books ,
Stuff thats 'controversial' or lets call it , not favourable to the regime , or the ideas contained within it is of strategic importance ,
The original books go out of print ,hard copies are bought up , they are available for academic purposes , in university libraries but not available to the general public . In the end the its effectively vanished .

Inteltectual property on the internet is similar to a bitcoin , its there to be mined , appropriated, if the person is no longer in a position to claim it for whatever reason , Googles bit munchers get it .
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by AnalogJoe »

Tubetec wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 6:11 am https://www.windowscentral.com/software ... rsion-24h2

A little more clartity about it there ,
Its only rellevant to pC's with the so called co-pilot chip , thats pretty new ,so not an issue on slightly older hardware ,

This AI martketing drive really amounts to a kind of subtle magicians force , an oppertunity to brainwash people , lead them up the garden path , It could end up the greatest advancement in mind control and human slavery the world has even seen .

We might try to convince ourselves were making decisions based on our own free will ,that could be a purchase or voting in an election , but actually the AI has been looking over your shoulder , hacking into your subconcious mind and causing an undue influence ,
The extent to which we open the door to this monster is a matter of choice , but once they have you on the end of a smartphone ,
its a hook line and sinker job .

With this cloud computing /remote storage and vapourware , you will be held over a barrel at some point down the line and if for what ever reason you cant bail out your data ,it probably ceases to be your data .

Its in plain sight what Google has been doing with books ,
Stuff thats 'controversial' or lets call it , not favourable to the regime , or the ideas contained within it is of strategic importance ,
The original books go out of print ,hard copies are bought up , they are available for academic purposes , in university libraries but not available to the general public . In the end the its effectively vanished .

Inteltectual property on the internet is similar to a bitcoin , its there to be mined , appropriated, if the person is no longer in a position to claim it for whatever reason , Googles bit munchers get it .
AFAIK Microsoft and many Tech Influencers have confirmed that not only Copilot machines will have this, but also every standard PC running Windows will eventually have Recall as well. I do know that the Copilot machines are the only ones having this now, but AFAIK Microsoft wants to implement this on every single machine. Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9FRadIkkE0

In any case, even if it is not mandatory now that doesn't mean it will not be mandatory later. I don't like this new thing that they are trying to impose on us. And I don't think they will leave it alone easily.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by mediatechnology »

The motivation seems to be total surveillance with "convenience" the way to lull users into accepting it.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by AnalogJoe »

mediatechnology wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:52 am The motivation seems to be total surveillance with "convenience" the way to lull users into accepting it.
You nailed it. Clueless and tech-illiterate users, which are the majority, will buy into the idea that it is just one extra wonderful feature to make their lives easier. This gives us a good idea of how things are going to be in a not-so-distant future.

Might as well make the transition to Linux now and get used to it asap.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by flyboy71 »

Wait till illiterate politicians and people like....oh....I dont know......journalists....vax pushers (Fauci)....etc. get exposed using this. In that case I'm all for it. Might make Hillary's emails and Hunters laptop pale in comparison.
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Re: If are still not using Linux, now it is a good time to start

Post by mediatechnology »

We might already have that information in the unreleased Twitter DMs.
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