Disagreement is healthy but at Group DIY all it takes is one person to disagree and the subject becomes "controversial."
The overly-sensitive snowflakes run the asylum. The place has become seriously fucked-up.

It's now 2024, 17 years later, and he's still wrestling with the pigs - as moderator - and he's the one enjoying it.I've been wrestling with the pigs in the mud down in the Prodigy brewery, I don't claim to have the only true sense of what is going on in the world, but some of these guys are worse than clueless, they are informed by unfounded speculation about evil motives and such. It's hard enough to know the facts. We are supposed to be on the same side fighting the real bad guys.
The problem with wrestling with pigs in the mud is after a while you realize they enjoy it. I shouldn't be wasting my time like that.