A Quadrature Power-Summed Compressor Sidechain For "The Uno Compressor"

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Re: A Quadrature Power-Summed Compressor Sidechain For "The Uno Compressor"

Post by mediatechnology »

I've updated the drawing - which I'll post later - that includes the audio signal path, metering and sidechain on two sheets.
For the moment I'll be pulling out all of the component designators in the drawing and reassigning them from the layout.
It's a little tedious that way but it makes manual DIY assembly easier when the "R" and "C" numbers ascend in some from of order that follows the PC board.
Once I finish that process I'll post it.

With all the various blocks on two pages and with the full picture I can start a layout using existing portions of the Waveulator board.
Nine of the IC stages and the process relay are identical.

The challenge is making it all fit.
The Waveulator has 20 ICs; the Uno Compressor has 21.
The Uno Compressor's "extra" IC is a 14 pin THAT300 so it may be a little tight.
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