I got tired of the 'Stories you couldnt post heading'

Relax in southern comfort on the east bank of the Mississippi. You're just around the corner from Beale Street and Sun Records. Watch the ducks, throw back a few and tell us what's on your mind.
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Joined: Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:08 pm

I got tired of the 'Stories you couldnt post heading'

Post by Tubetec »

So where has social media brought us in the last 20 years or so ?
To hung parliments and an us and them mentality the hardliners eitherside in the cold war era only dreamed of ,
The money has bought its way upto cabinet level in government , the same people also happen to run media empires , with there own long-game agendas ,So are we saying we'll have the kings of the social media AI 'influence' machines in the driving seat ?

To put a perspective on what Im saying ,
just over a week ago Ireland was hit by a huge storm , the morning after 750.000 homes were without power ,
People in the west of Ireland with brand new eco friendly homes with heat exchange and underfloor heating had to leave ,
because they didnt have a stove , a chimey., or a cylynder of gas to be found in the region ,

The Kids started to go stir-crazy without the social media feed to distract them , people ended up making dangerous journeys just to get a charge for their phones , without even realising a car battery can easily provide a charge for a phone ,

Ive said it before and I'll say it again ,
the smartphone is the biggest advance in slavery the human race has ever bought into without thinking ,
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