So where has social media brought us in the last 20 years or so ?
To hung parliments and an us and them mentality the hardliners eitherside in the cold war era only dreamed of ,
The money has bought its way upto cabinet level in government , the same people also happen to run media empires , with there own long-game agendas ,So are we saying we'll have the kings of the social media AI 'influence' machines in the driving seat ?
To put a perspective on what Im saying ,
just over a week ago Ireland was hit by a huge storm , the morning after 750.000 homes were without power ,
People in the west of Ireland with brand new eco friendly homes with heat exchange and underfloor heating had to leave ,
because they didnt have a stove , a chimey., or a cylynder of gas to be found in the region ,
The Kids started to go stir-crazy without the social media feed to distract them , people ended up making dangerous journeys just to get a charge for their phones , without even realising a car battery can easily provide a charge for a phone ,
Ive said it before and I'll say it again ,
the smartphone is the biggest advance in slavery the human race has ever bought into without thinking ,