The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

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Drone Aerial Spraying of Pathogens?

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Gates Virologist Admits Elite Designing Deadly New Viruses To Cripple Trump Presidency

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Gates Virologist Admits Elite Designing Deadly New Viruses To Cripple Trump Presidency

Video: ... idency.mp4

Bio-terrorist Dr. Peter Hotez begins at 01:40...
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Pentagon was told SIX times that Covid was lab leak at start of pandemic

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'CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE' Pentagon was told SIX times that Covid was lab leak at start of pandemic – but buried the truth, ex-intel official says ... -pentagon/
Jon Myers, who was a Marine Corps officer for 28 years and joined the Pentagon in 2018, claims he first told Joint Chiefs of Staff about a lab leak in China in October 2019.

Mr Myers said he "knows with absolute certainty" that top US military chiefs were told Covid had leaked from a lab in Wuhan. The FBI and the US Department of Energy believe Covid most likely leaked from a lab in China. And a new congressional report came to the same conclusion earlier this month.

But Mr Myers claims the Joint Chiefs of Staff were briefed in October 2019 - more than five years ago - about a new virus that had leaked from a lab in China. He told The Sun: "This was briefed in October and November 2019 as a lab leak. It's important that people realise. "It was in the intelligence. We briefed it. It was accepted. I briefed it numerous times about a viral outbreak and that it was from a lab. "Over the course of late November and December, it probably came up six or seven times in briefings. "Nobody said, 'hey I heard that was not true, it was not from a lab'. It was just stated as fact.
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

Post by Tubetec »

Of course I was aware of Alex Jones and Infowars ,
I didnt know he had his own line of ration packed foodstuffs during the pandemic :lol:

I was able to meet up with my buddy working in the sciences over the Christmas break ,
we didnt really talk much about the covid but he did mention medics ran blood tests on everyone who landed up in hospital with symptoms ,
There seemed to be a very definate correlation with elevated blood sugar levels and the severity of the symptoms ,some were already diagnosed diabetic ,but almost everyone who became severely ill had blood sugar levels well above normal . People with higher BMI's also seemed to figure more in the stats .

Its always been sound advice to not drink liters of fizzy sugary drinks , but especially if you end up getting covid or other flu viruses ,which need a source of energy to function
Makers of Lukozade which contains glucose had to remove their lies from advertising campaigns years ago for a reason ,in combination with a sedentary lifestyle its pure poison .

Just by chance the other day I happened on an interesting stat , they did a test somewhere in the US , in a correctional facillity ,
They cut candies and other sweets out of the prisoners diet completely ,
they noticed an imediate reduction in violent outbreaks among the prisoners , as well as less incidents involving members of staff etc

The sugar industry is truly the work of the devil in disguise , and guess whos involved in it upto his bollocks ? :D ... 024-2?op=1
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

Post by Tubetec »

I'd been thinking , the Irish turn of phrase might make it difficult for some get the nuance and comic irony In what Im trying to convey at times ,
just in case, heres the dictionary of Cork slang for reference purposes .
any questions , dont hesitate to ask ,
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

Post by mediatechnology »

When I was working at SSL UK I learned the difference in the term "pissed."

In the US it means angry as in pissed-off.

In the UK it means drunk.

Being a Texan in the UK I was often asked if I was Australian.

Thanks for the slang dictionary - I'll send a copy to my wife who is Irish (County Cork), Welsh, Ukrainian and Michigan.

We had a misunderstanding once about the term "frost on the pumpkin." In Texas it is meant literally - in Michigan something far worse.
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Re: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2024 "Vaccine" Injury, Depopulation With mRNA and Nanobots Everywhere

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FDA-Led Peer-Reviewed Study by High School Students Uncovers Alarming DNA Contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine at FDA’s Own Lab
A group of high school students from Centreville High School in Virginia, in collaboration with the FDA, has uncovered alarming DNA contamination in both Pfizer’s experimental and commercial mRNA COVID-19 shots.

Their peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of High School Science on December 29th, has sparked renewed debate over vaccine manufacturing standards and quality control processes.

The researchers, led by Tyler Wang, Alex Kim, and Kevin Kim, developed a novel method to detect replication-competent DNA impurities at FDA’s own research facility at the White Oak Campus, Children’s Health Defense reported.

Their technique involves extracting DNA from vaccine samples, ligating it into a circular form, and then transforming it into Escherichia coli cells.

If transformation results in antibiotic-resistant bacterial colonies, it indicates the presence of replication-competent DNA, which should ideally be absent or minimal in the final vaccine product.

The findings were based on analyses of two separate lots of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines, including monovalent and bivalent formulations.

The students uncovered significant levels of DNA contamination in the vaccines, with some samples exceeding the WHO threshold by up to 470 times, the amount of residual DNA detected ranged between 40 to 110 nanograms per dose.

While no replication-competent DNA was detected in commercial Pfizer vaccine batches, smaller DNA fragments—approximately 35 base pairs in length—were consistently present.

Interestingly, the study reported sporadic instances of replication-competent DNA in an in-house mRNA vaccine and a biosimilar vaccine. ... -students/
Paper: ... ty-control
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Covid 2.0 Tyranny: HMPV

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The Covid 2.0 biowar against the world, beginning this month, will likely be the HMPV virus.

They're going to run the same playbook... ... ruses-sin/

From Captain Ajit Vadakayil:

Five years after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, China is grappling with an outbreak of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV). Vadakayil says wait till cold period is over. Do not panic.


Human metapneumovirus (HMPV or hMPV) is a negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus of the family Pneumoviridae


Much of the current understanding of the structure of the HMPV has been inferred from other closely related viruses, for example, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

HMPV belongs to the Pneumoviridae family and the Metapneumovirus genus, and is an enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA virus. Vadakayil says nobody ( unless severely immunocompromised by Covid Vaccines ) will die of HMPV. Vadakayil warns – never take a vaccine for HMPV

hMPV uses RNA (a cousin of DNA) as a blueprint to make copies of itself.

Human proteins modify their RNA to mark them with a unique identity that helps distinguish their own RNA from RNA belonging to foreign invaders like viruses.

A very common and important RNA modification is called m6A (N6-methyladenosine).

The extra m6As on the RNA of the wild type virus effectively disguised it as human RNA (self-RNA). The virus is quite clever. It gains m6As on its RNA that make it look human, tricking the body’s security camera and decreasing the likelihood that the virus is destroyed it before its too late.

Symptoms commonly associated with HMPV include cough, fever, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Clinical symptoms of HMPV infection may progress to bronchitis or pneumonia and are similar to other viruses that cause upper and lower respiratory infections

More severe illness, with wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, cough, pneumonia, and in adults, aggravation of asthma, also has been reported.

Most hMPV infections only last about 2-5 days and go away on their own.

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is wrongly assumed to have evolved following a zoonotic virus infection from an unknown avian reservoir host species, as this virus shares a common ancestor with avian metapneumovirus subtype C (AMPV-C)

The peak age for severe illness from HMPV is between 6 and 12 months, but RSV is more likely to cause severe illness in infants younger than 6 months.

The symptoms of human metapneumovirus are often similar to the common cold.

A virus — a small germ that uses your cells to make more copies of itself — causes HMPV. It’s part of the same group of viruses that cause RSV, measles and mumps.

HMPV spreads through direct contact with someone who has it or from touching things contaminated with the virus. For instance:

Antibiotics only treat bacteria. Since HMPV is a virus, antibiotics won’t get rid of it. Sometimes people who get pneumonia from HMPV also get a bacterial infection at the same time (secondary infection).

You can manage mild, cold-like symptoms of HMPV at home by:

Drinking lots of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications like pain relievers, decongestants and cough suppressants to help your symptoms.
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Bill Gates Is Trying to Launch a New Pandemic Hysteria Using the HMPV Virus

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Bill Gates Is Trying to Launch a New Pandemic Hysteria Using the HMPV Virus


Mirror: ... _Virus.mp4

Until these people are criminally tried they will keep doing this shit...

This is too controversial for the pussies at GroupDIY.
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What We’ve Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data

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What We’ve Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data

Numerous data sources now corroborate that the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner. ... ding-data/
Guest post by A Midwestern Doctor

•After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.”

•After seeing countless patient cases which can only be explained by COVID vaccine shedding, a year ago, I initiated multiple widely seen calls for individuals to share suspected shedding experiences.

•From those 1,500 reports, clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.

•Likewise, after being blocked from publication for over a year, recently, a scientific study corroborating the shedding phenomenon was finally published.

•This article will map out everything that is known about shedding (e.g., what are the common symptoms, how does it happen, who does it affect, does it occur through sexual contact, can it cause severe issues like cancer) along with strategies for preventing it.

When doctors in this movement speak at events about vaccines, by far the most common question they receive is, “Is vaccine shedding real?”

This is understandable as COVID-19 vaccine shedding (becoming ill from vaccinated individuals) represents the one way the unvaccinated are also at risk from the vaccines and hence still need to be directly concerned about them.

Simultaneously, it’s a challenging topic as:

•We believe it is critical to not publicly espouse divisive ideas (e.g., “PureBloods” vs. those who were vaccinated) that prevent the public from coming together and helping everyone. The vaccines were marketed on the basis of division (e.g., by encouraging immense discrimination against the unvaccinated), and many unvaccinated individuals thus understandably hold a lot of resentment for how the vaccinated treated them. We do not want to perpetuate anything similar (e.g., discrimination in the other direction).

•We don’t want to create any more unnecessary fear—which is an inevitable consequence of opening up a conversation about shedding.

•In theory, shedding with the mRNA vaccines should be “impossible,” so claiming otherwise puts one on very shaky ground.

Conversely, if shedding is real, we believe it is critical to expose as:

•Those being affected by it are in a horrible situation, particularly if everyone is gaslighting them about it and insisting it’s all in their head.

•It provides one of the strongest arguments to pull the mRNA vaccines from the market and prohibit the widespread deployment of mRNA technologies in the future.

For those reasons, Pierre Kory and I have spent the last year and a half trying to collect as much evidence as possible to map out this phenomenon with the following data sets:

•Dozens of extremely compelling patient histories1,2,3 from Kory and Marsland’s medical practice, including many responding to spike protein treatment.
•My own experience with patients and friends affected by shedding.
• I read large numbers of reports of shedding in (now deleted) online support groups.
•Roughly 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding we were able to collect.
•Extensive menstrual data compiled by MyCycleStory.

From that and the hundreds of hours of work that went into it (particularly reviewing and sorting the 1,500 reports), we can state the following with relative certainty:

1. Shedding is very real (e.g., each of those datasets is congruent with the others), and many of the stories of those affected by it are very sad.
2. People’s sensitivity to it dramatically varies.
3. Most of the people who are sensitive to shedding have already figured it out.
4. Mechanistically, shedding is very difficult to explain. However, now that new evidence has emerged, a much stronger case can be made for the mechanisms I initially proposed a year ago.

More: ... ding-data/
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