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Post by AnalogJoe »

Recently, I've been drinking a bit more green tea and less coffee, but I am oblivious as to what to buy from the bazillion different brands out there. I would like something organic and as unprocessed as possible, with few contaminants, and that tastes nice. Having an USDA seal or equivalent would be great. I am interested in green tea, or green tea with other stuff like ginger and lemon. I like Kusmi Tea, but it's been really hard to find in my neck of the woods.

Do you guys have any recommendations or favorite brands?
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Re: Tea?

Post by Tubetec »

I cant recomend a particular brand , but I once got a gift box of chineese tea from a friend ,
Its comes in a metal box , inside it has foil packets , which contain sellophane bags with what looks like small green balls inside ,
If you look up oolong you'll find images of what I mean .
It has a wonderful delicate taste and aroma ,
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Re: Tea?

Post by scott2000 »

My wife uses Organic India and some others...The organic india is pretty good but I'm not a tea expert... She'll make me the one with tumeric and ginger sometimes and it's nice...Like drinking cloves almost...
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Re: Tea?

Post by Tubetec »

The Irish are one of the biggest tea drinkers per capita ,
Here black tea is served hot , usually with milk added ,
Even if its iced tea's you prefer ,Id highly recomend trying Barry's master blend loose leaf tea ,
https://www.barrysteashop.ie/products/b ... e-leaf-tea
I stopped using tea bags years ago , aside from the plasticised fibers and glue its made from the contents is more like tea dust than quality leaves ,

I sometimes have tea without milk ,but after a cup or two the mouth is left slightly parched from it , the milk tends to balance out the acidity .
Theres no doubt about it , if the Irish didnt have the cups of tea the whiskey would have had us drunk and sunk years ago .

If you do fancy something a little more medicinal ,the hot whiskies are nice ,
typically served with a slice of lemon ,studded with cloves and either light brown sugar or honey for a little extra sweetness ,
I also like to add a fresh sprig of thyme to mine ,
Im actually having one right now , so cheers :D
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Re: Tea?

Post by mediatechnology »

I'm not much of a green tea drinker but I used to drink a lot of iced tea.
Now I drink mostly artesian water, "C-Force," from Chuck Norris' ranch.

Lately however I do often have a cup of tea before the morning coffee and in the late afternoon. I drink Bigelow "Constant Comment" with honey.
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Re: Tea?

Post by AnalogJoe »

Thanks for all the suggestions.

There are so many tea brands and varieties that it is hard to know where to start.

Lately, I noticed that fresh-brewed coffee makes me pee like an idiot and really irritates my UT. I still love the taste of coffee during mornings, but I should either get Decaf or regular soluble Coffee if I don't want to go to the bathroom 3 times an hour. Yikes, perhaps I should've posted this on the other thread about midlife :lol:
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