I have come to a point in which I tend to automatically discard any wild Nikola Tesla claim or design. Tesla is one of those characters who was undoubtedly a genius and made huge contributions, but who is also very doubtful in many ways, with a lot of mythology developed around him. He was known for making wild statements without any proof to back them up. Tesla is recognized as being the mad scientist epitome from whom the modern concept of an evil genius was derived. There are always claims by people of some "hidden" or misunderstood Tesla design that transports you to a different dimension, anti-gravity, free energy, earthquake machines, death rays, you name it. There was even a Hollywood movie back in '06 called "The Prestige" in which a magician commissions Tesla some sort of cloning apparatus for his magic shows.
Also, Tesla has an immense cult-like following, and the crowd that surrounds his theories is full of some of the weirdest people I've seen. A perfect example of this is Eric Dollard. A guy who claims to be "The only man who has replicated Tesla's wireless transmission technology."
https://ericpdollard.com/ And who tries to give the impression to be one of the few people in the world who really knows how electricity works. He has even been referred to by many as Tesla 2.0. He has given talks since like the 70s? and who continues to give talks to small crowds of people.
Around the early 00's (maybe sooner) Eric Dollard ended up sleeping in his car in the desert. At some point, some people raised funds to get him out of that situation and even managed to build and set up a lab full of equipment for him. The same people who took care of him later denounced him and posted several YouTube videos (I just checked, and these videos have disappeared from the search engines, but they might still be somewhere) claiming that he ripped them off, that he never worked on anything in the lab, and about his heavy drinking and rudeness towards them.
Around 14 years ago I was intrigued about Dollard and I briefly started following him. I once saw a YouTube video of him working in his lab, one of the few because most of his videos were of him talking or interviews. Anyway, this video of some supposedly bizarre effect demonstration, with a lot of talk and usage of arcane technical concepts, was nothing more than a demonstration of a distributed parameter circuit/transmission line and how a signal propagates through it.
As far as I know, but I could be wrong, Eric Dollard has yet to provide a working prototype, proof or solid evidence of his claim about being able to replicate Tesla's wireless transmission technology, or any of the other claims he has made in the past like the Sun being a hollow sphere, that you can't see the Sun from space, about the supernatural power of music, and other similar things.