A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

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A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Post by mediatechnology »

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century
Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

By Jacob Siegel https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news ... nformation

In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed that he had proof of a communist spy ring operating inside the government. Overnight, the explosive accusations blew up in the national press, but the details kept changing. Initially, McCarthy said he had a list with the names of 205 communists in the State Department; the next day he revised it to 57. Since he kept the list a secret, the inconsistencies were beside the point. The point was the power of the accusation, which made McCarthy’s name synonymous with the politics of the era.

For more than half a century, McCarthyism stood as a defining chapter in the worldview of American liberals: a warning about the dangerous allure of blacklists, witch hunts, and demagogues.

Until 2017, that is, when another list of alleged Russian agents roiled the American press and political class. A new outfit called Hamilton 68 claimed to have discovered hundreds of Russian-affiliated accounts that had infiltrated Twitter to sow chaos and help Donald Trump win the election. Russia stood accused of hacking social media platforms, the new centers of power, and using them to covertly direct events inside the United States.
In the fall of 2017, the FBI opened its Foreign Influence Task Force for the express purpose of monitoring social media to flag accounts trying to “discredit U.S. individuals and institutions.” The Department of Homeland Security took on a similar role.

At around the same time, Hamilton 68 blew up. Publicly, Twitter’s algorithms turned the Russian-influence-exposing “dashboard” into a major news story. Behind the scenes, Twitter executives quickly figured out that it was a scam. When Twitter reverse-engineered the secret list, it found, according to the journalist Matt Taibbi, that “instead of tracking how Russia influenced American attitudes, Hamilton 68 simply collected a handful of mostly real, mostly American accounts and described their organic conversations as Russian scheming.” The discovery prompted Twitter’s head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, to suggest in an October 2017 email that the company take action to expose the hoax and “call this out on the bullshit it is.”

In the end, neither Roth nor anyone else said a word. Instead, they let a purveyor of industrial-grade bullshit—the old-fashioned term for disinformation—continue dumping its contents directly into the news stream.
It turned the public arenas where social and political life take place into surveillance traps and targets for mass psychological operations. The crime is the routine violation of Americans’ rights by unelected officials who secretly control what individuals can think and say.
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Re: A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Post by Tubetec »

It turned the public arenas where social and political life take place into surveillance traps and targets for mass psychological operations. The crime is the routine violation of Americans’ rights by unelected officials who secretly control what individuals can think and say.

No argument from me about that , other than its going on worldwide , I knew mainstream social media was a trap all along , avoided it like the plague
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Re: A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Post by mediatechnology »

I often believe the opposite of what the legacy gaslight media say and it usually is spot-on.
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Re: A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Post by Tubetec »

Over millions of years humans evolved in small close knit groups , that way if bad ideologies came into play damage was limited and at least the tribe next door learned a valuable lesson from the others mistakes . Now with the advent of social media whole swathes of people can catch on or be led up the path to ruination long before the truth emerges .

Often in this new group think mentality people with a natural distrust of the motives of big corporations are rendered silent . Ive been sounding a warning bell about social medias corrosive influence for around 20 years now , many people who initially branded me a crank or conspiricist came back to me in the end and said you were right all along .

Ireland is somewhat caught in the middle between the socialist idealogies that emegred from eastern parts of Europe and the capitolist idologies further west . Either system when taken to the extreme allows human greed rule , to the detrement of the majority and the benefit of a few .
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Re: A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century: Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Post by mediatechnology »

people who initially branded me a crank or conspiricist came back to me in the end and said you were right all along .
I'm still waiting for that acknowledgement WRT my many Covid/Vaccine alarms.
Only one person - and it was here - said I may have been right all along.

OTOH the mass-formed psychotic tribe known as GroupDIY - with a couple of exceptions - still clings to the original fraud.
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