Of course

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Of course

Post by scott2000 »

https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ ... 143189007/
https://www.reddit.com/r/BoltEV/comment ... ?rdt=61488
"I requested my record from Lexis Nexis and received it today. The file contained 790 records detailing every trip I took in the car-- every hard break, fast acceleration, and every time I went over the speed limit. This is a really scary level of surveillance."
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Re: Of course

Post by mediatechnology »


Ah, the "Rockford Files" again.
At least these people can, and are, suing to make it stop.
Hope the relief offered by the outcome results in a re-rating of their insurance.
I'm glad my 2009 Tacoma is not connected to the IOT "Internet of Things."
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Re: Of course

Post by Tubetec »

The smart phone ,without your express permission more or less does the same thing as the mobilephone/GPS system in modern cars .
It really shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone at this stage .
Its also been shown that apple and other smart watches are used by medical insurance companies to asses your risk and if your suffering any kind of impairment that could signal health problems ,they'll load up your premium off the back of the data they can scrape .
People have been well an truly duped into trading out their privacy and allowing themselves be hooked upto the equivalent of a 'money milking machine' .
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Re: Of course

Post by mediatechnology »

I keep telling my wife she needs to stop wearing her FitBit.

I don't carry my phone into public places - Covid track and trace stopped that - and when its in the truck it spends most of its time in a Faraday pouch.

I've never conducted a financial transaction, did a bank balance inquiry, or made an online purchase with my phone.
My wife's phone has been compromised multiple times by Google allowing passwords to be stolen.
Both our phones are Android - one has to be a complete fool to trust Google for anything other than maybe the best place to buy a local Taco.

For medical and political search topics I use Yandex.com
Yandex doesn't game their search and is like what Google used to be 20 years ago.
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Re: Of course

Post by scott2000 »

Ah, the "Rockford Files" again.
I looked that up and saw that pop up in the credits too...
Why is there no search available for a US Privacy Protection Commission?
I see a link to a Privacy Protection Study Commission... issued final report in 1977
apparently you can download it ...

not it...lol
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Re: Of course

Post by mediatechnology »

I think the two are loosely related and after the report it was likely never funded.
"The House on Willis Avenue" episode aired February 24, 1978 and was probably written before or about the same time the Privacy Protection Study Commission released its report in 1977. The legislation creating it passed in 1974.

https://itlaw.fandom.com/wiki/Privacy_P ... Commission


This is way too controversial - a single snowflake complained - and as moderator I'm going to have to send it to the no man's land memory hole. :lol:
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