ZTX851 Die Photos

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Re: ZTX851 Die Photos

Post by AnalogJoe »

What is your opinion on the THAT-300 series transistors for Cohen style pre's? Recently I used the pnp version and an OPA4134 for a Cohen style pre and it was a bit trickier to keep the thing stable compared to the ZTX951. I believe the ZTX951 being more sluggish than the THAT 300 series makes it a lot easier to stabilize. The rbb of the 951 is also an order of magnitude lower that the THAT 300, but I find the matched pair too tempting to be swept under the rug.
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Re: ZTX851 Die Photos

Post by mediatechnology »

I have a client that uses the high gain SMT 300 in a mic preamp that I designed.
We've never seen a stability problem with it.
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