I think I may have an excuse for trying a bootstrapped opamp circuit. In my case to minimize distortion.
I was looking for an audio grade op amp for doing filters at +/-36V rails, where the non inverting configured inputs may see up to full rail voltage. Power output is very low but precision at large and small signal swings is a must.
LT and Analog have some higher voltage rail capable FET input and chopper opamps. Nothing specifically for audio. The highest Vrail high quality audio grade op amps I've found were the opa604's with +/-25 v rails absolute max. Edit: I should add TI does have a bunch of power amps for audio. I was looking for something in an SO8 package or so, not the giant packages in the TI power amps which are way overkill in my circuit. The LTC6090 is a bit of a compromise. SOIC-8 with power pad is workable, I guess. It definitely wont be getting hot with the amount of light loading in my circuit./edit
In ltspice none of those "high voltage" AD or LT parts seem to do very do well in the upper audio band. They all start distorting pretty heavily, even lightly loaded.
Lets just say that if my simulations are to be believed, the LTC6090 bootstrapped about 18V away from the output up to +/-36V rail...wow that thing is clean now per my sims.
I ended up using something like recommended in this article to get the sims looking real sweet. I started with a circuit similar to the one in the EDN article but ended up at something similar to this. Toward the bottom of the page in the link. Sorry idf this one was already linked and I missed it.