I've been running the clock for 8 days now and the drift, -1 second, is about a -1.45 ppm time base error.
Very good if it was at room temperature but this one has been running in an unheated garage mounted on an uninsulated outside wall. That's excellent.
I have one WWVB synchronized clock that runs with a constant one second offset when it's locked. Bad code.
Arduino LED "Roto" Clock and other Arduino Projects
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Re: Arduino LED "Roto" Clock and other Arduino Projects
Excellent. The temperature compensation does work perfectly.
One can tweak the clock frequency with the "aging offset" register with a 0.1ppm resolution.
One can get the temperature with a 0.25°C resolution from a 10 bits register.
One can tweak the clock frequency with the "aging offset" register with a 0.1ppm resolution.
One can get the temperature with a 0.25°C resolution from a 10 bits register.