ELM Electronics PIC12C50-based "Special-Purpose" ICs

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ELM Electronics PIC12C50-based "Special-Purpose" ICs

Post by mediatechnology »

PIC-based solutions for hobbyists who don't want to write their own code.
Elm Electronics is a Canadian company that has been selling integrated circuits on the web since 1998. The introduction of the PIC12C508 by Microchip Technology really was our incentive to create a line of products that previously were not possible, and if they were would typically require several support chips and external components.

From simple ‘glue’ logic, we then progressed to protocol converters, our LANC and OBD ones being the most popular. In 2005, we introduced the ELM327 integrated circuit, which was able to automatically detect and converse with all of the standard OBDII protocols. It remains our most popular product to date.
ELM have lots of products based on the PIC12C508: https://www.elmelectronics.com/products/dsheets/

ELM is apparently the goto source for auto OBD-II interfaces and protocol converters. In addition they have a lot of specific function ICs.

Here's a triple debounce IC with latch: https://www.elmelectronics.com/wp-conte ... M411DS.pdf
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