The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

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The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by mediatechnology »

As a social purpose company, Purism believes building the Librem 5 is just one step on the road to launching a digital rights movement, where we—the people—stand up for our digital rights, where you place the control of your data and your family’s data back where it belongs: in your own hands. Let’s declare, “We will no longer allow unfettered access to our photos, videos, email, text messages and application and usage data without our permission.”

Today, the news are filled with articles that show how tech companies have exploiting your data and weaponizing it.

By purchasing a Librem 5 phone you are supporting a future of digital privacy, invested in supporting an open, community-driven environment. Vote with your wallet to support a future safe from digital exploitation and create a secure and respectful environment for you, your children and society as a whole.


Purism also offer LInux laptops:

The "Courage" 3.5mm Jack
Unlike the rest of the industry indulging in fads and forcefully replacing the most standard audio connector to gain “control of the accessories market” and in a me-too pursuit of extreme phone thinness that nobody asked for, we care about your phone working with any headphone or line out without needing you to carry and keep track of yet another adapter dongle that can be lost or found to be incompatible. We have no intention of doing vendor lock-in, and so the Librem 5 comes with a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. The Courage Jack.
This is the best way I've found to tell Apple, Google and Microsoft to go fuck their satanic selfs.
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Re: The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by billshurv »

Let us see, many have tried, many have failed. IF I were splashing money on a phone I would get this because I miss my old nokia communicators. Can boot to linux if you want.

Sailfish was my big hope for a new dawn in smartphone OS, but is withering. So I keep running my blackberry for now.
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Re: The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by JR. »

How about no smart phone at all?

Cancel the "cancel culture", do not support mob hatred.
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Re: The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by billshurv »

There are a few things I like in a smart phone (email and erm email).
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Re: The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by mediatechnology »

I still have my Mom's Samsung Jitterbug flip phone and my wife has a Nokia. We carry those unactivated phones in our cars as secondary 911 phones.

Sometimes you need to surf the web when you're running errands just to look up a phone number or address for a business. I've needed that chasing down mower parts.

I see the Librem more as a "palm top" Linux machine that happens to make phone calls.
Since I don't like making or receiving calls or talking on the phone all that much anyway its kind of a secondary function except for emergencies.
Not having Google in my OS and having a rooted OS is a big plus for the Librem.
I use my phone mostly for email and text and when home a "tablet" for the garage.

The Gemini looks very useful. Trying to find US pricing and it looks like the Wifi version is $599 US.
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Re: The Librem 5 Linux SmartPhone from Purism

Post by Gold »

I have lots of useful things on my iPhone. The Electronic Toolbox Pro is a great piece of software. It has all sorts of useful stuff. Resistor color code calculators, capacitance which displays the value in uF, nF and pF. I can never keep the decimal points straight so that's very useful. It has lists of transistors and op amps with basic specs. An LED resistor calculator. And a whole lot of other stuff.

I also have a lot of machinist stuff. iEnginner has charts for screws and drills of all types including tap sizes. Drill Sizes is even more detailed with drills and taps. EE Toolkit has a lot of overlap with Electronics Toolbox but has some PCB layout tools that may be useful in the future.

MILA's Tools has conversions between many measurements. Length, weight, volume, pressure, torque, etc.

iCircuit is a cool little SPICE type thing. I haven't got into it yet much but looks pretty cool.

Audio Tools in addition to the test and measurement has some useful Utilities. It has an Ohms Law calculator that displays power as well. It's helped me get a better intuitive feel for Ohms law.
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